Royal Innovative, a company that specializes in international trade, reported that in 2022 the amount of agricultural trade it mediated between Turkey and Africa increased by 90%; the business, which supports hundreds of farmers with the help of its agricultural platform, reported that they have supported investments of more than $1 million through the leasing of agricultural lands in African nations.
The global pandemic and the ensuing crises in Russia and Ukraine demonstrated to the entire world the importance of agriculture as a strategic industry for all nations. As Turkey’s exports to Africa rose in 2022, agricultural products took center stage in the bilateral trade relations. Agricultural trade and collaboration between Turkey and African nations attracts attention, according to Boris Volfman, founder of Royal Innovative, a company involved in international trade, logistics, project management, and financing. This aids in the modernization and expansion of the agricultural industry throughout the continent of Africa.
The Turkish Exporters Association said that Turkey’s exports to North African nations climbed by 5.1% in 2022 compared to the previous year and totaled 13 billion 148 million USD. Egypt, Morocco, and Libya were the top three exporting nations when listed from largest to smallest, followed by Algeria, Tunisia, and Sudan. Chemicals and products, steel, cereals, pulses, and oilseeds were the industries that shipped the most goods to North Africa in 2022.
Observing that Turkish businesses undertake numerous projects to modernize the region’s agriculture industry in addition to exporting, Boris Volfman, the founder of Royal Innovative said, “Turkey also cooperates with Africa in the field of agricultural technology. Agricultural machinery and advanced agricultural technologies are also exported from Turkey to African countries.”
Boris Volfman noted that agricultural exports from Africa to Turkey include coffee, cocoa, bananas, tropical fruits, and spices, and that the leasing of agricultural areas has elevated bilateral cooperation to a new level. He stressed that a variety of agricultural investors, from huge corporations to smaller firms, lease extensive property in Africa and provide consulting services to them under the name Royal Innovative.
“We guide companies that want to invest in Africa in choosing the right lands. Not all produce on these lands are sold in local markets. Through our network, we ensure that the products produced in the country are sold to Europe.”